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Statutory Information

School Contact Details

Lotus School
Langdale Road

Receptionist: Mrs Atherton

Telephone: 01253 531 415

E-mail: info@lotusschool.co.uk

Executive Headteacher: Mr Neill Oldham
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Melissa Barker
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Emma Chadwick & Tiarnan Hamill
Chair of Governors: Mrs Val Plant

SEN Co-ordinator: Claire Davies 
Careers Leader: Tiernan Hamill

Lotus School is part of Champion Education Trust, a charitable, private company, limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Company number 11630363. Registered office address: Champion Education Trust, c/o Blackburn Central High School, Haslingden Road, Blackburn, BB2 3HJ. T: 01254 505 700

Admission Arrangements

Ofsted Activity, Reports and Ratings

Lotus Schools latest OFSTED inspection was conducted on the 30th November and 1st December 2022. We have an OFSTED section that holds more information and can be accessed here. Please find the link below to view the latest OFSTED inspection report:

Key Stage 4 Exam & Assessment Results

As a new school we do not have any exam results to share yet.


Behaviour Policy

Pupil Premium Strategy & Review

PE & Sport Premium Funding 

Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Information

Governors' Information & Duties

Charging & Remissions

Ethos & Values

Equality Objectives

Complaints Procedure

Exclusion Arrangements

  • Exclusion Policy (under review)

Multi-Academy Trust Annual Accounts


Financial Information


Data Protection and Privacy


The School Day

All policies and documents here are available as a free of charge hard copy upon request, and this website can be translated using Google Translate.